FindBugs Bug Detector Report

The following document contains the results of FindBugs

FindBugs Version is 3.0.1

Threshold is

Effort is max


Classes Bugs Errors Missing Classes 17 3 4 28


Class Bugs net.avcompris.commons3.web.AbstractApplicationConfig$AbstractRDSConfig 2 net.avcompris.commons3.web.ApplicationUtils 1


Bug Category Details Line Priority Inconsistent synchronization of net.avcompris.commons3.web.AbstractApplicationConfig$AbstractRDSConfig.dbURL; locked 50% of time MT_CORRECTNESS IS2_INCONSISTENT_SYNC 89 Medium Inconsistent synchronization of net.avcompris.commons3.web.AbstractApplicationConfig$AbstractRDSConfig.dbUsername; locked 50% of time MT_CORRECTNESS IS2_INCONSISTENT_SYNC 98 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority net.avcompris.commons3.web.ApplicationUtils.dumpBeans(ApplicationContext, PrintStream, String[]) makes inefficient use of keySet iterator instead of entrySet iterator PERFORMANCE WMI_WRONG_MAP_ITERATOR 55 Medium