shows how to bind Java interfaces to XML documents that use namespaces.


Say you have a given XML file with namespaces, book-ns.xml:

<book title="Treasure Island" xmlns="http://mybook">
   <reference url="" lang="en"/>
   <reference url="'Île_au_trésor" lang="fr"/>
   <author xmlns:people="a/b/c/">
       <people:name>Robert Louis Stevenson</people:name>
       <people:name>R. L. Stevenson</people:name>              

Here is an annotated interface that avc-binding-dom would be able to bind to such an XML document:

package aaa.bbb.ccc;

import net.avcompris.binding.annotation.Namespaces;
import net.avcompris.binding.annotation.XPath;

@Namespaces({"xmlns:m=http://mybook", "xmlns:people=a/b/c/"})
public interface Book {

    @XPath("@title") String getTitle();

    @XPath("m:publishedIn") int getPublishYear();

    @XPath("m:author/people:name") String[] getAuthorNames();

    @XPath("m:reference") MyBookReference[] getReferences();

    interface MyBookReference {

        @XPath("@url") String getUrl();

        @XPath("@lang") String getLang();

More information about the @Namespaces annotation may be found in the avc-binding-common project's API Documentation.

Binding would take place the following way:


import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import net.avcompris.binding.dom.DomBinder;
import net.avcompris.binding.dom.impl.DefaultDomBinder;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;


        final DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory =
        final Document document = documentBuilderFactory
                .newDocumentBuilder().parse(new File("book-ns.xml"));

        final DomBinder binder = new DefaultDomBinder();

        final Book book = binder.bind(document, Book.class);

(This sample code is in the project's test sources: NamespacesExamplesTest.)

The @Namespaces annotation allows some other syntax:

@Namespaces({"xmlns:m=http://mybook", "xmlns:people=a/b/c/"})

@Namespaces({"m", "http://mybook", "people", "a/b/c/"})

Of course you can mix the two:

@Namespaces({"xmlns:m=http://mybook", "people", "a/b/c/"})

@Namespaces({"m", "http://mybook", "xmlns:people=a/b/c/"})

Note that neither the @Namespaces nor the @XPath annotation handle namespaces with empty prefixes. You must always explicitely declare a namespace prefix. That is why in our example we use "xmlns:m=http://mybook" ("m" is arbitrary), and not "xmlns=http://mybook".


Alternatively to the @Namespaces annotation, you can use a BindConfiguration object that will hold namespace declarations. This is convenient when your clazz interface was not annotated at first.

Use of a BindConfiguration parameter overrides any @Namespaces annotation.

Syntax is the same as with the @Namespaces annotation.